First of all thank you for your concern over our Yoko girl. She is doing better after two does of the antibiotic and is out of jail! We have left the dog kennel set up and Yoko and Chica are enjoying the comfy spot on the blankets I put n top!
Monday is the 5th Gotcha Day for both Mamacita and Rosa. With all the posts last week about adopting less adoptable pets, we wanted to give you a brief recount of how we came to have both these beautiful house panthers. Here goes......
Mom was still feeding Ivy, the last of our feral cats living outdoors, when she noticed a skinny little cat sneaking up to the deck to eat the leftovers,and then running off across the street. Mom could tell she had just had kittens and started to leave a bigger portion of food out for her all the time. Mom followed her but could not see where the kittens were. She named her Mamacita cuz she was such a little cat to be a momcat - hardly 5-6 months herself. Before long, Mamcita moved her two black kittens over to our neighbor's storage shed. Mom put the food bowl over there so they could eat when they were old enough.
One day she noticed the kittens sneezing and coughing with runny eyes and that scared her. Kittens can die of upper respiratory infections if they don't get medication. That's when she decided to catch them and bring them indoors even tho we already had plenty of cats. She used a dog kennel cage and put a string on the door so she could pull it when they went inside. She left food in there and hoped for the best. Meanwhile Mom put some homeopathic remedies in the food but it was not enough and the kittens were getting sicker. Finally it happened and all three of them went inside the cage and Mom caught them. The kittens' faces were so swollen with infection. Her vet gave her eye ointment and oral antibiotics to give them. She kept them in a small room with Mamacita.
Unfortunately their first taste of people and being indoors was to get eye ointment put in both eyes and pills popped down their throats but they did get better. They were very timid and scared of everything. Mamacita was doing much better than they were but she was not sick. She gots lots of attention and treats not medication. All three were moved to a larger room and they were spayed and neutered (not an easy thing to catch them!!!) at a clinic. We named the kittens Rosa and Manny and they got big and healthy.
We lost Manny in 2007 to a severe urinary blockage and some vet errors He was only two and we still miss him.
Mamacita loves to eat, play with the laser toy and cuddle with Mom on the sofa or bed while she reads. Rosa is still more aloof and hides in quiet spots most of the day coming out at night to join in the activities. It will take more time for her to relax and be one of the gang but each day is a little better. They are inseparable and groom each other and snuggle together.
It is also our 300th post (actually last Friday) so in celebration we want to give away a brand new copy of the paperback version of Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper - about another house panther who is blind. Gwen had spoken to Blind Cat Rescue in North Carolina before she wrote the book and promised 10% of her royalties. Well, she gave them a $10,000 check last week! Isn't that great? So if you don't win this drawing, go out and buy a copy so Blind Cat Rescue will get even more money!
To enter the drawing just leave a comment and tell me you want in on the give away. It is open to all readers! We will run this give away for the week. Please help yourself to goodies and nip and have fun!
We will be hosting a Mr Linky on Oct. 2 for Livestrong Day so do stop by and link up. We set it up to share Mr Linky on your blog too so join in on this day of cancer awareness.
NEWSFLASH For those of you stopping by late, we just found out Huffle's friend Diamond is having his 14th birthday on Tues Sept 28. Please do stop by.
Monday is the 5th Gotcha Day for both Mamacita and Rosa. With all the posts last week about adopting less adoptable pets, we wanted to give you a brief recount of how we came to have both these beautiful house panthers. Here goes......
Mom was still feeding Ivy, the last of our feral cats living outdoors, when she noticed a skinny little cat sneaking up to the deck to eat the leftovers,and then running off across the street. Mom could tell she had just had kittens and started to leave a bigger portion of food out for her all the time. Mom followed her but could not see where the kittens were. She named her Mamacita cuz she was such a little cat to be a momcat - hardly 5-6 months herself. Before long, Mamcita moved her two black kittens over to our neighbor's storage shed. Mom put the food bowl over there so they could eat when they were old enough.
One day she noticed the kittens sneezing and coughing with runny eyes and that scared her. Kittens can die of upper respiratory infections if they don't get medication. That's when she decided to catch them and bring them indoors even tho we already had plenty of cats. She used a dog kennel cage and put a string on the door so she could pull it when they went inside. She left food in there and hoped for the best. Meanwhile Mom put some homeopathic remedies in the food but it was not enough and the kittens were getting sicker. Finally it happened and all three of them went inside the cage and Mom caught them. The kittens' faces were so swollen with infection. Her vet gave her eye ointment and oral antibiotics to give them. She kept them in a small room with Mamacita.
Unfortunately their first taste of people and being indoors was to get eye ointment put in both eyes and pills popped down their throats but they did get better. They were very timid and scared of everything. Mamacita was doing much better than they were but she was not sick. She gots lots of attention and treats not medication. All three were moved to a larger room and they were spayed and neutered (not an easy thing to catch them!!!) at a clinic. We named the kittens Rosa and Manny and they got big and healthy.
We lost Manny in 2007 to a severe urinary blockage and some vet errors He was only two and we still miss him.
Mamacita loves to eat, play with the laser toy and cuddle with Mom on the sofa or bed while she reads. Rosa is still more aloof and hides in quiet spots most of the day coming out at night to join in the activities. It will take more time for her to relax and be one of the gang but each day is a little better. They are inseparable and groom each other and snuggle together.
It is also our 300th post (actually last Friday) so in celebration we want to give away a brand new copy of the paperback version of Homer's Odyssey by Gwen Cooper - about another house panther who is blind. Gwen had spoken to Blind Cat Rescue in North Carolina before she wrote the book and promised 10% of her royalties. Well, she gave them a $10,000 check last week! Isn't that great? So if you don't win this drawing, go out and buy a copy so Blind Cat Rescue will get even more money!
To enter the drawing just leave a comment and tell me you want in on the give away. It is open to all readers! We will run this give away for the week. Please help yourself to goodies and nip and have fun!
We will be hosting a Mr Linky on Oct. 2 for Livestrong Day so do stop by and link up. We set it up to share Mr Linky on your blog too so join in on this day of cancer awareness.

NEWSFLASH For those of you stopping by late, we just found out Huffle's friend Diamond is having his 14th birthday on Tues Sept 28. Please do stop by.
That's a great story about Mamacita and Rosa! How great that you were able to rescue them! And that is amazing that Gwen was able to give Blind Cat Rescue such a big check!
I actually reviewed Homer's Odyssey on my blog a few months ago (I loved it!), so I don't need to be in the contest.
What a lovely gottcha day post and party!! Happy, happy day, ladies! Thank you for inviting us!
Your story made us a little teary. Our little Winnie is almost all black. She had a boy and girl, both black, when she was just a kitten herself. And she was such an awesome momma that we called her Mamacita!! :-)
What great news for Blind Cat Rescue! Go Gwen!!
And last, but not least, concatulations on post #300!
It is alway nice to learn how many of the human adopt their cats from the wild, helping out the less fortunate and offering them a home.
My family also rescued me from the streets when I was only a few weeks old and now I have been with them for 17 years.
Your give away is a very generous one to celebrate your 300 posts. Boy do we have a long way to go for our selves.
We had a chance to see Homer on Animal Planet last night and what he has done for his care taker was marvelous.
Please enter us in the give-away as I know daddy wishes to read more about him and then share those adventures with me.
Wishing you a ll the best,
miss Kitty
Happy Gotcha Day, Mamacita and Rosa! My, what a lot of goodies you have. I hardly know where to start, though those Bellyrubs look awfully good.
Happy 300th post. We enjoy reading about your rescues. may they all find loving furever homes.
We came over especially to say a huge THANK YOO for your support with LIVESTRONG Day.
And having read yoor post, we are glad Yokp is doing better, and wish to say a HAPPY GOTCHA Day to Mamacita and Rosa! We also want to say how sorry we are that yoo lost Manny ~ but at least he was loved and died knowing it.
Also congratulations on 300 posts! What an achievement!
Love Milo and Alfie XX
That was a great story about Mom and the little ones...Happy Gotcha Day! Happy 300th post too, that's great!
Happy happy happy Gotcha Day gorgeous Mamacita and lovely Rosa and of course Manny who is there with you all in spirit. What a lovely story - so sweet and adorable. We are so glad that Mamacita and her beautiful babies found you - thank you for giving this wonderful family a loving home!
Me and Charlie are enjoying ourselves with all the yummy goodies and nips! LOL! Thank you for the invite!
congratulations on your 300th post! Good luck everyone entering the giveaway!! Take care
What a wonderful day of celebration!! Happy Gotcha Day to Mamacita and Rosa and Happy 300th Post as well!!!
Happy Gotcha Day to Mamacita and Rosa! What a wonderful rescue story, though we're so sorry about Manny.
It's great news about Yoko; hurrah!
We wish you all wonderful, happy day!
P.S. Please don't enter us in the draw, thanks.
Your human family there has such a blessed heart, full of love, thanks for sharing with us the story of Mamcita and these little friends.
I'm sending lots of good energies to you all, much love to your hearts!
Glad you gave a loving home to Mamacita and Rosa. You are an angel!
aw, so nice to read the story of the gotchas wif Mamacita and Rosa... you has a nice mommeh to take them in like that, and now they has a furrever home! ::tear:: i would likes to enter the giveaway please, i has wanted to read Homer's book! (oh, Pee-Ess, happy 300th!)
What a great story.
Happy 300th post, and Happy Gotchaversary to Mamacita and Rosa (and Manny, RIP).
We enjoyed learning how they "came in" Our Scouty gets a little tamer by the week, Rosa will too!
Please enter us in your drawing, Mommy would love to read Homer's story.
Wow so much going on - Happy Gotcha Day to Mamacita and Rosa! It is so great that they had you to help them! We just got caught up but are also glad to hear that Yoko is doing better!
And congrats on 300 posts too - that is so awesome!!
Happy Gotchya Day and a belated ConCats to your 300th~!!! What a great story. We are sorry that Manny had to run to The Bridge so soon!
We would LOVE to be entered into your contest! Thank you!
Wonderful story. I love, love, love black cats - they are the best.
Happy Gotcha Day to Mamacita and Rosa! Many purrs to your mom for rescuing them and Manny.
We are very glad that Yoko is feeling better, and our mom would love to be entered in the giveaway. She's read about Homer on-line - and we're all so happy that that the royalties benefit Blind Cat Rescue! (If she does not win, we promise to make her buy a copy.)
A very Happy Gotcha day to Mamacita and Rosa. That is really too bad about Manny. We are going to go sample all the great food here and and the nip too. Hope you too don't get too nipped out.
We already have the Homer book and think it is a really good book. What a wonderful thing that Gwen did for the Blink cat Rescue. I can't think of a better place for the money.
Have a great week.
HAPPY 5th GOTCHA DAY, Mamacita and Rosa. Bless your mom for rescuing the two of you and Manny and giving you such a wonderful home. We were very sad to read that Manny left you.
Concats on your 300th post....that's two 300 posts celebrations we've been to today.....we told mama she needs to find out how many posts we've done!!! :)
We would love to be in on the give away....our email is in case you need it.
Congratulations on your 300th post, that's a big accomplishment!
What a great story about Mamacita and Rosa. They are lucky that you didn't give up and worked so hard to catch them and give them a great home!
I've been lying a little low since Molly died, so I'm sorry I didn't know that Yoko was sick. I'm glad the antibiotics are helping and she is doing better now :-)
Happy Gotcha Day Mammacita and Rosa! It's such a wonderful story that the little mama and her kittens were all rescued and mama and child are still together today. It's a shame about Manny, though.
What a great spread you have put out to celebrate. My 3-Ds are winging their way over as I write and bringing a case of 24 (tuna)!
Here's to many more healthy and happy Gotcha Days in the future!
Happy Gotcha Day to Mamacita and Rosa!! What a good gotcha story!!
And congrats on your 300th post!! We would love to be entered in the drawing for the book.
Concats! Wow, 300 posts! And happy gotcha day to Mamacita and Rosa. We loved their story. And glad to read Yoko is doing better.
That's very cool what author Gwen Cooper is doing for Blind Cat Rescue. We'd love to be in the book draw though will definitely buy the book if we don't win.
This is a great pawty - thanks for the invite and here's to many more posts and gotcha day celebrations to come!
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
What a nice story about Mamacita andd rosa. I am sorry about Manny.
How wonderful that Gwen Cooper gave such a good donation to the blind cat rescue.
Bless you for caring so much for all the cats.
We popped back to ask if the Mr Linky yoo are going to use for LIVESTRONG day is one that we can also put on our blog (so whichever blog people enter their posts in it will log on the same Mr Linky)?
Can yoo let us know please? Because it would be wonderful to have all the posts related to LIVESTRONG on the same Mr Linky!
Love Milo and Alfie-pants! xx
Our 2 cats both had colds when we adopted them. Akua would flail and spit the dark colored cold medicine right out. Splack! Count me in on the giveaway!
Hi ~ it's us again!
In answer to yoor question ~ would you mind setting up Mr Linky as arranged, and then e-mailing us the details/link to put it on our bloggie? Fank yoo so much!
Don't worry about replying to this if yoo're gonna send us the linky details. Only tell us if it's not OK.
Love Milo and Alfie xx
Happy Gotcha Day & Blog Celebration !!!!!
Again, I have to tell you what an absolute ANGEL you are to take in these stray cats. The work it must have taken to get them to trust you.
(I was a feral Mom for a while thus I know how it goes)
What a wonderful rescue story! Happy Gotcha Day!
Please enter my name in the contest.
Happy Gotcha day and congrats to the 300th post!!!
This is a great rescue story!!!
Hi to our friends in the lovely NC Mtns. We wish you happy 300th post, and happy gottcha days.
Mom got Ms. Cooper's autograph in our copy of Homer's Odyssey when she was in Raleigh
Congratulations on the 300th blog post! And thank for sharing the story of how your beautiful house panthers came to be in your home. Those photos of the two (and the three) of them together are very touching.
And we would love to participate in your drawing of Homer's Odyssey.
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